Uncovering The Baby Feeding Chart

One of the dilemmas new parents face is how to know their baby’s feeding schedule. Is six times a day too much? How much should a baby be fed per feeding? Why does breastfeeding beat formula feeding? Let’s uncover the newborn baby feeding chart together!

The baby feeding chart is a guide parents can use in knowing how much and how often their newborn can feed on breast milk. It serves as a manual to make sure a mother doesn’t underfeed her baby when it comes to breast milk.

Breastfeeding Vs. Formula Feeding

Health organisations have agreed on the benefits of breastfeeding over formula feeding because of the antibodies that breast milk provides. 

Breastmilk helps the baby defend themselves against infections, chronic conditions and prevents allergies. It is also a healthier food source for babies as it prevents obesity and malnourishment.

Most infants who have been formula-fed are known to be prone to various allergic reactions, difficulty with digestion and face near-future health concerns. Not forgetting to mention that breast milk is free, formula milk is expensive and lack antibodies that can provide the newborn baby with protection.

The Newborn Baby Feeding Chart

While you must feed your baby appropriate to their age, restricting your baby off breast milk just to stay on the schedule will wean the baby. 

When it comes to breastfeeding your newborn baby, you do not have to worry about how much the baby consumes. If they want more milk, it is fine.

baby feeding chart

The Baby’s First Feeding

When your baby is merely minutes old, the World Health Organization encourages the “First Embrace”.

The First Embrace is a method in which the baby is put on the mother’s chest after delivery. During the first minutes on the mother’s chest, a baby is already familiar with the mother’s scent and voice. With this, babies are also very familiar with the smell of breast milk.

The baby will slowly follow the scent of breast milk to the mother’s closest nipple and engage in their first suckles. This is the baby’s first feeding. 

The First Embrace is encouraged to help the baby calm down and adapt to the new life. The First Embrace and feeding within 60-90 minutes of the baby’s life help:

  • reduce the risks of hypothermia,
  • reduces the risks of anaemia,
  • strengthens the baby from infections
  • provides the needed nutritional boost
  • adjust to digestion and blood circulation
  • stimulates breathing as it strengthens the lungs
  • protects against the bacteria, turning the baby pink, warm and healthy

Bonus: What If Your Baby Is Still Hungry?

baby feeding chart

Source: Image From Minnie Zhou

Are you thinking what if your baby still wants to breastfeed even after accumulating the portion size on the chart? The answer will always be simple – FEED THEM.

The feeding chart provided only serves as a guide to parents who are still trying to figure out their baby’s feeding preferences. 

When it comes to breastfeeding, there is no such thing as too much feeding. Breast milk is the healthiest source of antibodies and nutrients for newborns until they are toddlers, reducing any risks of obesity or sicknesses.

What could serve as a concern is your baby’s lacking of breastfeeding time or non-appetite to feed at all.

Breastfeeding Barriers:

  • your baby isn’t latching on properly when nursing
  • your baby is getting used to other forms of feeding or weaning
  • you have flat or inverted nipples
  • not enough milk is produced when your baby suckles
  • distractions

In A Nutshell…

A baby feeding chart is not necessarily mandatory to follow. It’s a guide for parents to know approximately how much and how often they can feed their babies. If the baby still wants to breastfeed more, let them as it is healthy for them.

You will know when your baby is not getting enough breast milk after nursing since they will be cranky and irritated.

If your baby is full, you will also know. If your baby is still hungry, it’s also easy to tell. Do not worry too much about the new experiences you are going through and remember to ask questions when needed. You have your husband, paediatrician, and obstetrician-gynaecologist to turn to.

What’s your first breastfeeding experience? Share your stories with us!