As parents in today’s day and age, we always have somewhere to be and something to do – meetings in the morning and deadlines at night.
Our schedules are always filled with activities causing us to have little time to tend to our children. In a perfect world, we have all the time in the world to be with our children. But not everyone can live that dream. Moreover, not everyone has relatives that can take care of our children for us.
If you’re a parent with a packed schedule and no one to turn to, it might be time to consider hiring a babysitter (aka the nanny). But of course, not just anyone who’s available. There are certain criteria to keep in mind on how to choose a babysitter for your child.
How To Choose Babysitter
1. Figure Out What You Need
Before hiring a babysitter, you should list down what you need first. Consider your work schedule in order to know how often you need a babysitter. Consider your budget. The price of a babysitter in Singapore varies depending on the agency and time you would need them.
For an agency like Babysitters Singapore, their rate per hour falls at $25, while their monthly fee starts from $1,800. Expect the babysitting fees to be around that range.
Set your expectations first to know what to look for and which direction you’re heading.
2. Do Your Research
A quick Google search would direct you to hundreds of babysitters and agencies available in your area. Given that, choosing babysitters becomes a matter of quality and security.
There are many ways you can go about this, such as:
- Word of mouth
- Ask Around
- Read the posts on places where parents frequent such as churches or supermarkets.
- Check with your local community hospital
Babysitter Expectations
First, you have to lay down expectations for a healthy babysitter arrangement. This will also gauge their performance whether or not they are caring for your children the right way. Although babysitter expectations may vary from home to home, here are some standard criteria to consider:
- They act with professionalism
- Has experience with child care for at least a year
- Tends to the needs of the child such as feeding and playing
- Keeps the child safe from potential danger
- Knows their boundaries such as tidying up the living room but not your personal drawers
3. Set Up Interviews
Hiring babysitters is no different from hiring any other employee. Go through the same processes in order to ensure that you’re getting the best for your kids. Here are some questions you can use during the interview:
Background Questions
- What is your highest educational attainment?
- Have you been trained in first aid? Would you take classes for it if necessary?
- Have you had previous experiences with caring for children? How old were they?
- Are you trained in child care?
- Do you have other professional work experiences?
Job Questions
- How flexible is your schedule?
- Are you willing to take care of the family pet [if any]?
- Are there responsibilities you won’t do?
- What are hobbies or activities important to you?
- How many children would you be comfortable looking after?
- Would you be willing to do light housework, such as cooking and cleaning?
Personality Questions
- What do you like about babysitting?
- What is most challenging about babysitting?
- What is the worst experience you’ve had in babysitting? What did you learn from it?
- Have you encountered any conflicts with previous employers you’ve worked for? How did you resolve it?
- What is your take on disciplining a child?
- Are you adaptable to change or do you prefer structure and planning?
Questions You Can’t Ask
- What is your ethnic background?
- How old are you exactly?
- What is your sexual orientation?
- What are your religious views?
4. Orient Them
Congratulations! You’ve found your perfect babysitter! After going through the hiring process, it’s time for an orientation. Chances are your babysitter already knows the basic babysitting rules and regulations, but it’s important that you verbalise them or even put them in writing.
Babysitting differs from home to home. Have a conversation with your babysitter about everything they need to know about your house, kids, and themselves.
Setting Babysitting Rules And Regulations
Although you’re turning over the wheel to your babysitter, there are still certain limitations to what they can do. Setting rules will allow you to receive consistency and quality care from your babysitter.
Here are some babysitting rules and regulations you should consider:
- No visitors when babysitting
- Don’t watch inappropriate shows or movies
- Don’t post photos with the child on the internet or send to others
- Don’t physically hit your child
- Always contact you when sensing potential danger
- No going out unless supervised by you
- Set a limit on screen time
- Don’t give new food unless permitted
Keep in mind:
- Go over the babysitting rules and regulations together
- Give the following numbers to your babysitter: your child’s doctor, the police, the fire department, a trusted neighbour.
- Introduce your child to the babysitter properly
- Tour them around the house and point out where the necessities are
Babysitters In Singapore
Nannies on Wheels | +65 9620 5724 |
Find A Nanny | |
The Roaming Babysitter | |
A-Team Amahs & Cleaners | +65 6100 6131 |
Babysitters Singapore | +65 9487 5408 |
BBnanny | +65 9747 2405 |
DomesticOne | |
Happy Home Domestic Cleaning Services | +65 6100 9833 |
NannyPro | +65 6100 6642 |
NannySOS | +65 9735 9376 |
In A Nutshell…
Choosing babysitters is not easy. There are many factors you have to consider especially that you’re handing your children over to someone else. Take note of these expectations, babysitting rules and regulations to get the perfect babysitter for your child!
There is no shame in needing a babysitter. In fact, it’s a sign that you care for your children’s well-being. You have a busy schedule for a reason and that is providing for your family.
How did you find your babysitter? Let us know in the comments below!