Your postpartum health is very important, especially for your recovery. Some complications following childbirth are not so forgiving, which leads us to the reason why it’s best to be aware of the possible issues that could happen during your postpartum period – “prevention is always better than cure.”

Infections or Sepsis

Maternal sepsis is a bad bacterial infection that occurs after childbirth, usually following the days thereof. It is rare, especially when you have a good ob-gyn who takes good care of you even after childbirth. The infection or sepsis may occur in the uterus. Infections after childbirth are also referred to as “puerperal sepsis”.

Postpartum Psychiatric Disorders

Postpartum Psychiatric Disorders come in different forms. From postpartum blues to postpartum depression, then postpartum psychosis. The severity of the disorders would depend on the following:

  • sudden change in hormones after childbirth
  • support you are receiving from the people you are surrounded by
  • marital concerns
  • history of bipolar disorders, anxiety or depression

Haemorrhage / Excessive Bleeding Following Childbirth

This usually is within the day or a day after childbirth. While it is a critical condition, it is rare as five of a hundred women go through this. It could occur due to various reasons such as;

  • Laceration or rupture during childbirth
  • Atony of the uterus
  • Invasive placenta
  • Coagulopathy

Amniotic Fluid Embolism

Amniotic Fluid Embolism is one of the most serious complications following childbirth. It is life-threatening. This occurs when the amniotic fluid enters the mother’s bloodstream and cause the mother or baby to collapse as result of an allergic-like reaction. It can occur during childbirth, abdominal trauma following an abortion or abnormal natural deliveries.

Breast Pain

There are many breast pains, aches and soreness that will come your way once you give birth. Most of these cases are not serious, are normal. Very few of these cases can be bad for a new mum. Some of the reasons you could feel your breasts ache or swell are:

  • Mastitis
  • Hormonal changes
  • Breast pain due to uncomfortable undergarments
  • Intermittent breastfeeding resulting in engorgement
  • Benign cysts

High Blood Pressure

postpartum health

Postpartum preeclampsia is not impossible even after delivery. The food you eat, the environment around you play huge roles in your health – and, disregarding your health just because you have given birth is not safe for a new mum.

When To Seek Emergency

The best time to seek your doctor’s help is when things are no longer normal to you.

Before your doctor lets you go home after giving birth, they will tell you what is normal and what is alarming. For example, postpartum bleeding for up to two weeks or a month is normal when you’ve just given birth. What’s NOT normal is the amount of blood is not decreasing.

In A Nutshell…

As much as you love your baby, you still have to also take good care of yourself. Don’t let yourself go to avoid any postpartum complications. Update the doctor of your recovery within the postpartum period and always listen to their advice.

If you do face some concerns regarding your postpartum healthy, alert your doctor right away and don’t panic just yet.

What was your secret to avoiding any complications with your postpartum health? Share it with us!